Our commitment to research excellence is what sets us apart
International research collaborations
As part of a global network of researchers, scientists, and innovators committed to advancing data science and AI, we collaborate with reputable research institutions worldwide to drive location-based data science through cutting-edge AI techniques. We continuously explore opportunities to partner with leading institutions in pursuit of our shared vision.
Papers and Articles
Rapid Urban Growth in Flood Zones: Global Evidence since 1985
Jun Rentschler, Paolo Avner, Mattia Marconcini, Rui Su, Emanuele Strano, Stephane Hallegatte
World Bank Report
The agglomeration and dispersion dichotomy of human settlements on Earth
Emanuele Strano, Filippo Simini, Marco De Nadai, Thomas Esch, Mattia Marconcini
Scientific reports, 11(1), 23289.
Mobilkit: A Python Toolkit for Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Analytics using High Frequency Human Mobility Data
Enrico Ubaldi, Takahiro Yabe, Nicholas KW Jones, Maham Faisal Khan, Satish V Ukkusuri, Riccardo Di Clemente, Emanuele Strano
ArXiv preprint
Urbanization and economic complexity
Riccardo Di Clemente, Emanuele Strano, Michael Batty
Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.
Mapping Wealth from Space-the EO4Poverty Project
Mattia Marconcini, Emanuele Strano, Michael Berger, Anna Burzykowska
Presented at the Conference on New Techniques & Technologies for Official Statistics 2021
The Dark Side of the Earth: Benchmarking Lighting Access for All Cities on Earth and the CityNet dataset
Adrian Albert, Emanuele Strano, Jasleen Kaur & Marta Gonzalez
Geospatial Technology and Smart Cities: ICT, Geoscience Modeling, GIS and Remote Sensing, 23-37.
Outlining where humans live, the World Settlement Footprint 2015
Mattia Marconcini, Annekatrin Metz-Marconcini, Soner Üreyen, Daniela Palacios-Lopez, Wiebke Hanke, Felix Bachofer, Julian Zeidler, Thomas Esch, Noel Gorelick, Ashwin Kakarla, Marc Paganini, Emanuele Strano
Scientific Data, 7(1), 242.
Precise mapping, spatial structure and classification of all the human settlements on Earth
Emanuele Strano, Filippo Simini, Marco De Nadai, Thomas Esch, Mattia Marconcini
Arxviv Preprint

Industrial PhD Scholarships
We collaborate with research institutions globally to advance location-driven data science using innovative AI methods. Our industrial PhD scholarship program, offered in partnership with leading universities, supports talented individuals pursuing a PhD in areas such as Remote Sensing, Urban Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI.
Internship programs
Our internship program is open to university students who are currently enrolled in an accredited college or universities and wish to gain hands-on experience in their chosen fields, taking advantage of our extended network of research advisors and industry professionals.