
Real Estate and Construction

We provide high-quality data on residential and commercial properties to real estate business operators, asset managers, and investors. Our services enable them to enhance marketing strategies, evaluate maintenance needs, verify address and occupancy status, and gather socio-economic information for improved property valuation accuracy.

On-demand site and property inspection

We perform on-demand inspection of residential and commercial properties to help clients assess the overall condition of a property, determine their maintainance needs, identify potential safety hazards, and gather data for insurance and financing purposes.

Data-driven site and context appraisal

By combining and analyzing data on accessibility, land use, demographics, mobility, environmental conditions and zoning regulations, we provide developers and investors comprehensive insights into the investment potential of specific locations and maximize their returns on investment.

Property marketing and advertising

We create detailed 3D models, street-scenes, virtual tours and aerial images of properties, which can be used to marketing more effectively listings to prospective buyers and investors.

Construction site progress inspection

We conduct surveys to help you check the state of progress of construction works and help you verify that it is on schedule and complies with project requirements.

Case studies

Shaping the future of
smart cities

A digital environment for the visualisation, analysis and evaluation of urban and spatial performance and assets

Other sectors


Want to know more?

Partner with us to see the power of our solutions in action. Book a consultation or demo today and discover how we can help your business thrive.