Fashion and apparel
Fashion trends from mobile mapping
A journey into people’s everyday fashion preferences in Milan: colours, fabrics, patterns, styles, outfits, accessories and more
Mobile mapping techniques, coupled with the power of computer vision and artificial intelligence, are transforming the way high street fashion trends are detected. This innovative approach enables the collection of vast amounts of visual data, which can then be analyzed using AI algorithms to identify and track the latest fashion trends.
One of the key benefits of using mobile mapping techniques is that they provide a quick and efficient way to gather information about what people are wearing in real-time, without the need for manual data entry or human observation. This allows fashion companies to quickly identify emerging trends and respond to changes in consumer preferences, which can be particularly important in an industry where speed and agility are critical to success.
The Power of Computer Vision in Fashion Trend Analysis
With our computer vision algorithms, we were able to analyse hundreds of thousands of fully anonymised street-view images collected in Milan city centre between April and August 2022 can analyze images, and recognize patterns, textures, and colors in clothing, giving us a hint of key trends high-street fashion trends.
For example, we studied the frequency of different colors in space and over time, giving us a clear indication of the dominant dominant color in Milan throughout Spring and Summer 2022, segmented by gender and age group.
Our models are trained to identify recurrent patterns and correlations between different fashion elements, such as clothing styles, accessories, and hair styles, giving fashion companies a more complete picture of how different elements are being combined to create new trends.
Revolutionizing fashion with mobile mapping + AI
Mobile mapping techniques, computer vision, and artificial intelligence are proving to be a powerful combination for detecting high street fashion trends and can be used to make sense of the large amounts of data generated effortlessly and in near real time.
By providing fast, accurate, and comprehensive data, these technologies have the power to help fashion companies stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about their product offerings.